Zug, Feb 26, 2020: The new version of the Framesoft Contract Repository (FCR) 4.1 has been released
FCR 4.1 offers the following new and enhanced functionalities:
- Further improvements of modern theme based FCR user interface introduced with FCR 4.0
- Paging in FCR overview tables allowing to display mass-data (e.g. “All Agreements” or “Agreement Search”)
- New FCR Web Client Interface
- High Resolution Display support (HDPI) (beyond HD)
- Extended Workflow Task Handling & Control
- New FCR Netting Analyzer module offering
- New user interface (UI)
- “Analyze All” - Mass agreement analysis capabilities
- Direct agreement selection & filtering
- Paging of results
- Accessible from FCR Java & Web Client
- Further extensions of the FCR template & document editor (Framesoft Docs)
- Performance Optimizations
- Framesoft Data Insight (FDI) integration for data analysis
- FCR 4.1 is based on OpenJDK 11
- FCR 4.1 is based on Oracle Database 19c
For more information, please refer to the FCR 1-Pager or the FCR 4.0 release news published last year.
For an FCR 4.1 live demo, please get in touch with us at