Munich, 7 Feb 2005: Framesoft successfully implemented and integrated the second generation of OTC Platform (OTCP) at HypoVereinsbank. OTCP Release 1.1 supersedes Release 1.0 which went live in December 2003. OTCP is a novel approach to OTC Transactions in the dealing room, providing unique trade capture and structuring capabilities to Sales and Trading, while increasing the transparency of turnover and flow. Trade results are transferred directly into HVB’s Risk Management System Sophis, and a Siebel Customer Database. OTCP also provides a direct link to information from the Customer Database such as address and contact person information and to the Framesoft Contract Repository (FCR) in order to check if Master Agreements are in place for a specific customer.
With the ability to create Multi Product and Variation Requests, to perform Simulations on Market- or Instrument Parameters in a variety of ways (2/3D Parameter Simulations, Backtracking and Pay-Off Diagrams) and to perform Optimizations towards given target values, Sales significantly increases the efficiency of serving customer requests and preparing new offers to their customers. All Simulation Results can be exported into any Office documents, where they can be used for the creation of dedicated customer offerings.
Trades entered in OTCP are transferred directly into the Risque Management System Sophis, Indicative Pricing can be obtained on demand from Sophis. Trades (even Multi Product Trades) can be split into Multi Counterparty Transactions at trade capture time, thus providing a further increase in STP.